Every relationship is different, and there's no single test that will confirm whether yours is healthy. Nevertheless, asking yourself a few probing questions can help you hone in on any problems and tackled them sooner rather than later. So, here are seven signs that you're in a healthy relationship:

Every relationship is different, and there's no single test that will confirm whether yours is healthy.
Nevertheless, asking yourself a few probing questions can help you hone in on any problems and tackled them sooner rather than later.
So, here are seven signs that you're in a healthy relationship:
1) You can be yourself around your partner

In a healthy relationship, both members feel loved and accepted for who they really are.
If you have to change your behavior around your partner to keep the peace, then they're probably not the right person for you.
2) You are excited about your future together

If only the idea of being with your partner for decades makes you feel uneasy or even exhausted, it is a sure sign that something in your relationship isn't working.
You need to identify why they are not making you happy, and either fix the underlying issue or move on.
3) You can tell your partner everything
Staying in a relationship with somebody who judges you, belittles you, or makes you feel ashamed for your past mistakes will only make you miserable.
Your partner should be there to listen to whatever you have to say. No topic should be off-limits.
4) You trust your partner completely

Trust is key to every healthy relationship.
You need to be able to trust your partner.
If someone is cheating on you, that's a sure sign of disrespect.
You deserve someone who wants to remain faithful and feels lucky to have you.
5) You can solve your conflicts in a constructive manner
No matter how compatible a couple is, they'll argue from time to time. It is inevitable!
Fortunately, arguments don't have to damage a relationship if you can handle your differences like two mature adults.
If you tend to have the same arguments over and over again, that's a big warning sign.
6) Your partner is supportive of your career, activities, and friendships

A good partner will always encourage you to have a life out of the relationship.
They'll be proud of your achievements, and they will be happy when you make new friends.
In return, they'll expect you to give them space.
In a healthy relationship, both members appreciate both the time they spend together and the time they spend apart.
7) You two share the same values and dreams
Many believe that shared activities and interests are very important for a good relationship.
There is no denying that bonding over your favorite hobbies can help bring you closer.
Yet, you must have compatible values and goals if you want a healthy long-term relationship.
For instance, if you've always loved living in the city, but your partner has a lifelong dream of moving to a remote coastal location, that will likely cause friction.
If you two have different religious backgrounds or personal philosophies, this could also lead to trouble.
It is possible to be happy in those kinds of situations, but it takes a lot of flexibility as well as a willingness to compromise.