Strong women never beg for attention. If they feel unloved, they just leave. Does this situation sound familiar? You meet a guy that seems like a perfect match. You go on a few dates. Everything appears to be going well, when, he suddenly stops returning your calls or texting you back. You realize that you have been ghosted once again by the guy you thought could have been "the one."

Strong women never beg for attention. If they feel unloved, they just leave.
Does this situation sound familiar? You meet a guy that seems like a perfect match. You go on a few dates.
Everything appears to be going well, when, he suddenly stops returning your calls or texting you back. You realize that you have been ghosted once again by the guy you thought could have been "the one."
If you've been there more than once, it's not your fault. Any man who ghosts a woman is not emotionally mature for a relationship, so it's no significant loss.
However, when you are in this situation, it's hard to think logically. But, naturally, this brings you down. Instead of moving on, you'll spend hours overthinking, trying to find out what you did wrong. You may put your love life on hold, waiting for this guy to come to his senses and come back.

Most women take a long time obsessing over a man who does not want them.
To make things even worse, they often fall into the trap of texting him and leaving desperate voicemails. But as you know, this approach doesn't work.
When somebody has made it clear that they have no interest in you, trying to engage with them is just a waste of time. You cannot change their feelings.
When a strong woman finds out that a guy is just not that into her, she makes it her priority to move on. She'll never sacrifice her dignity by chasing after him.

While she'll allow herself to feel sad and disappointed for a while, she will also remember that there are plenty of fish in the sea.
Strong women are not afraid to pull the plug on a relationship if they feel undervalued. For example, if a strong woman is dating a guy that has stopped making an effort, she takes a step back.
You shouldn't wait for a guy to cut you off or dump you. Unless it's working out, you just need to put yourself first and leave. You do not owe a lengthy explanation at all. A brief meeting or phone call is just enough. Thank him for the time you two spent together, explain that you do not feel that the relationship has long-term potential, and simply wish him well for the future. It is as simple as that.
Strong women have an attitude of abundance in dating. They know that there is somebody out there for everyone. If one man decides he doesn't want to pursue a relationship, there are dozens more she can date.

Even if you forced him to talk, you might never get answers. Some are obsessed with the idea of "closure." They want to get answers from the person that rejected them. Unfortunately, many people have no interest in discussing a relationship with their exes, particularly if the relationship was short-lived.
Think about it. If he's so emotionally immature that he leaves without explanation, he probably can't have an honest conversation about his innermost feelings either. It's up to you to move on.
The good news is, the power to move on lies in your hands. You don't need anybody's permission or heart-to-heart conversations with your ex.
Look forward, not back. Reframe the experience as an excellent opportunity to learn how to cope when relationships don't work out as you wanted. It might seem challenging, but there's a lot to learn.